Podcasting Tips

Podcasting Privacy: Do You Have a "No List" for Your Podcast?

One of the first steps I tell new podcasters when they ask “How do I get started?” is to come up with a list of episodes/topics/guests to interview. If they’re unable to do that, there’s a good chance they’ll run out of steam quickly and Podfade— when someone starts a podcast and abandons it for one reason or another (most commonly, it’s because people tend to underestimate the time, money, energy, inspiration, etc. it takes to podcast longterm).

This is fairly common starting advice from podcast mentors, coaches, and consultants.

But what I’ve started including in my recommendations for new podcasters is to not only think about what they want to share with the world, but also what they don’t want to share or do when it comes to their podcast.

Starting Your Podcasting Journey: 10 Tips for Your First Episode

Back when I started podcasting in 2015 and I told people, I was typically met with, “What’s a podcast?”

Fast forward to today and I don’t get that as much.

In fact, I think the more common reaction when I tell folks I work as a podcast editor and consultant is, “Oh! I’ve had an idea for a podcast myself!”

And some have even purchased the equipment, bought the courses, or went to the conferences to learn, but somehow can’t get past that planning stage to press that big scary RECORD button.

Sometimes I’ll have someone book a call with me and they’ll tell me everything they’ve done so far, and then wait expectantly as if I have to give them the “go-ahead” to officially start.

Here’s a secret, future podcaster …

Story Time: Your Podcast Audience Will Change (And That's OK!)

About 11 years ago, I found my first podcasts and I fell in love. I've talked about the story before so I won't go too deep into it, but the short version is when I was moving out during my divorce, and I didn't have cable set up in my new apartment, but I had internet so when it came to entertainment while I was unpacking, I didn't have much else but my phone.

So I opened the newish purple app called iTunes (now Apple Podcasts) and began exploring what was available. I had a friend who listened to podcasts and I thought it was cool that there were these great audio shows available for free, so I tried it out.

5 Types of Challenging Podcast Guests (and How to Handle Them)

No matter how many times you've been on the hosting side of a podcasting microphone, a challenging guest is never fun to work with.

If you're a podcaster who frequently invites guests on their show, you may already know what I'm talking about.

And if you're new to podcasting, allow me to introduce you to a few types of challenging guests you may come across:

Do You Need a Housekeeping Segment for Your Podcast?

The beginning of the year is a great time to reintroduce your podcast audience to you, your business, and your show. Sometimes podcasters like to add a quick housekeeping segment to the beginning of their podcast as a way to introduce new listeners to information about your show and extras you may offer, like links in show notes, additional information on your website, or how to work with you/your business.

This is also a great way to remind longtime listeners of all these things, especially those who’ve been loving your podcast content and can’t wait to see what else you have to offer.

Podcast Interview Mistakes to Avoid

Whenever podcasters ask me how to become better at interviews, the No. 1 piece of advice I offer is to practice, practice, practice!

If you listen to any interview podcast, most likely you’ll hear a difference in the interviewer’s comfort level when you compare an earlier episode to a more recent one.

But when you’re first starting to podcast and not yet in that interviewing groove, here are some mistakes to be aware of:

Glossary of Podcasting Terms

Glossary of Podcasting Terms

Note: This glossary is for the newbie podcaster. Some terms listed are very specific to podcasting and may have other, more complex definitions outside of what’s presented here. I’ve kept it simple to avoid Information Overload as a beginner.

I’ll also be adding to this as time goes on. If you see anything I’ve missed, go ahead and put a comment below!

Quick Tip: Stop Adding Keywords to Your Podcast Title and Author Tag

Quick Tip: Stop Adding Keywords to Your Podcast Title and Author Tag

Apple has been cracking down on podcasts using lots of keywords in their titles and author tags over the past few weeks. Podcasts have been removed and new podcasts have been rejected when submitting to Apple.

If you are using keywords in your show title or author tags or even subtitles with keywords, it's safer to remove them now rather than have Apple remove them.