Apple Podcasts

Quick Tip: Stop Adding Keywords to Your Podcast Title and Author Tag

Quick Tip: Stop Adding Keywords to Your Podcast Title and Author Tag

Apple has been cracking down on podcasts using lots of keywords in their titles and author tags over the past few weeks. Podcasts have been removed and new podcasts have been rejected when submitting to Apple.

If you are using keywords in your show title or author tags or even subtitles with keywords, it's safer to remove them now rather than have Apple remove them.

How RSS Feeds Work and Why Podcast Hosting Companies Are Important

How RSS Feeds Work and Why Podcast Hosting Companies Are Important

Confused about how an RSS feed works? Wondering why you need a hosting company for your podcast? Confused about submitting to Apple Podcasts?

I have a video of a water experiment that will hopefully clear things up. (Plus, I've always wanted to be a Zoom kid, but this is probably the closest I'll get.)

Submitting your Anchor RSS Feed to Podcast Apps

Submitting your Anchor RSS Feed to Podcast Apps

Anchor has been rising slowly to become a contending player in the podcast space. There's no denying it. Many well-known personalities are now using it to easily create their podcasts. Although I don't recommend them as a hosting company for a number of reasons, there is one major thing to be aware of if you're using them for your podcast:

YOU should be the one to submit your show to podcast apps.

Even though Anchor makes it simple to let them do it for you, I really recommend this is something you should do yourself, especially if you want access to your podcast stats from Apple Podcasts. I go into more detail about this in the video.