
Starting Your Podcasting Journey: 10 Tips for Your First Episode

Back when I started podcasting in 2015 and I told people, I was typically met with, “What’s a podcast?”

Fast forward to today and I don’t get that as much.

In fact, I think the more common reaction when I tell folks I work as a podcast editor and consultant is, “Oh! I’ve had an idea for a podcast myself!”

And some have even purchased the equipment, bought the courses, or went to the conferences to learn, but somehow can’t get past that planning stage to press that big scary RECORD button.

Sometimes I’ll have someone book a call with me and they’ll tell me everything they’ve done so far, and then wait expectantly as if I have to give them the “go-ahead” to officially start.

Here’s a secret, future podcaster …

Choir-Inspired Podcasting Lessons

I recently wrote a post on my ADHD/Lifestyle blog, Emily: Out Loud, all about joining a choir. I’ve been in choirs practically my whole childhood and teenage years, then continued my enjoyment of singing with some musical theater in my 20s, but really haven’t sung much since turning 30, aside from briefly singing with my husband’s band, and then as part of the 100th episode of my main podcast when I sang on “The Story Behind: The Musical!

But aside from those instances, I had been missing singing for fun for a while. I sing in the car, but most times my kids are with me and my voice is better left to either big performance spaces or solo singing when no one will cover their ears when I decide to let my belt roar. But I noticed I was really missing singing when I found a church over the summer to join and remembered just how much I liked singing with others.

Getting to Know Your Voice

Getting to Know Your Voice

The first time you hear your voice on a recording, you might be shocked at how different you sound vs. what you thought you sounded like.

What you hear when you're speaking is a combination of your voice coming from your mouth plus the sound from your vocal cord vibrations, whereas when you hear a recording of your voice or when others hear your voice, they only hear what comes out of your mouth.

When you listen back to your first podcast episode, it might be tough to get used to hearing your own voice, and even weirder if you're the one editing it, having to hear it over and over again.