
What is a Creative Indie Podcaster?

When I first started podcast consulting, I was convinced I could provide help to almost anyone in their podcasting journey. But over the years, I've realized that the clients I enjoy working with the most and who tend to seek me out most frequently are Creative Independent Podcasters.

And many of them don't even know they fall into that category — which makes sense, considering when most people hear, "I'm a podcaster," perhaps the idea of a tech bro talking head is the first image that comes to mind.

And while that unfortunate stereotype isn't far off from what some podcasters aspire to be, that didn't seem to be my client base or who I was writing about podcasting for.

Last year I sat down and decided to get really, truly clear on who I was writing and curating my blog and newsletter for and I listed all the adjectives I could to describe how I pictured my readers to embody. The ones that stood out the most and what I felt directly called to my purpose in podcasting was Creative & Independent.

Podcasting Privacy: Do You Have a "No List" for Your Podcast?

One of the first steps I tell new podcasters when they ask “How do I get started?” is to come up with a list of episodes/topics/guests to interview. If they’re unable to do that, there’s a good chance they’ll run out of steam quickly and Podfade— when someone starts a podcast and abandons it for one reason or another (most commonly, it’s because people tend to underestimate the time, money, energy, inspiration, etc. it takes to podcast longterm).

This is fairly common starting advice from podcast mentors, coaches, and consultants.

But what I’ve started including in my recommendations for new podcasters is to not only think about what they want to share with the world, but also what they don’t want to share or do when it comes to their podcast.

5 Tips to Improve Your Podcast Episode Titles

Imagine going on your podcast app, searching for a new podcast. Let’s say you want to find a Mindfulness podcast since this is what I’m currently taking a course on and it’s on my mind (well, obviously 😉).

You find one you think you might like, but you can’t be sure just from the title and cover art, alone. And maybe the description is even a little vague (which is more common than you’d think).

Most likely, you would go to the list of episodes so you can check out what kind of things they talk about. But what if all you saw was this:

Episode 45
Episode 44
Episode 43
Episode 42
Episode 41
… you get the idea.

6 Most Common Beginner Podcasting Questions (and the Answers)

6 Most Common Beginner Podcasting Questions (and the Answers)

I’ve started creating an Instagram Stories Highlight on my Instagram page for Frequently Asked Podcasting Questions, and as much as I love helping people when these questions are asked, I realized it would be a great resource to put the 5 most common questions in a blog post. So, enjoy!

Where should I host my podcast?

The four places I tell soon-to-be podcasters to look at for hosting are:

Depending on your podcasting needs, one of these may be better than the others.

My favorite, though, is Libsyn. It’s where I host my podcast and I use their free Podcast Page as the website for my show. (Want to see how I set up my Libsyn website? Click here to watch the video.)

Want to try Libsyn free? Use the code EMILY when you sign up!

Podcasters’ Gift Guide 2018

Podcasters’ Gift Guide 2018

In case you didn’t know, podcasters can be a tad obsessed with gear sometimes. Even if we have everything we could possibly need, Shiny Object Syndrome is no stranger to us when it comes to new tools in podcasting.

Those who love us may ask what we want for the holidays and sometimes it’s just easier to say “socks,” rather than explain what the difference is between a Zoom H5, a Zoom H6, and Zoom.us. But now you can just share this post with them, instead!