
Podcast Outro Ideas

“People will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.” — Maya Angelou

When it comes to podcast outros, new podcasters often make the mistakes of asking their audience for every single thing possible, like they’re throwing spaghetti against a wall and hoping something sticks. Surely, they think, the audience will find something they’ll want to do!

But let’s think about your podcast like a visit from a friend. Would you want to visit a friend, have a nice conversation, enjoy one another’s company, only to get bombarded at the end with a bunch of requests? Even if they are free, like following on social media or subscribing to a newsletter full of information, it’s not something you may have necessarily had in mind when you were initially invited to your friend’s house.

5 Tips to Improve Your Podcast Episode Titles

Imagine going on your podcast app, searching for a new podcast. Let’s say you want to find a Mindfulness podcast since this is what I’m currently taking a course on and it’s on my mind (well, obviously 😉).

You find one you think you might like, but you can’t be sure just from the title and cover art, alone. And maybe the description is even a little vague (which is more common than you’d think).

Most likely, you would go to the list of episodes so you can check out what kind of things they talk about. But what if all you saw was this:

Episode 45
Episode 44
Episode 43
Episode 42
Episode 41
… you get the idea.