
5 Things To Include in Your Podcast Intro & Outro (and 1 Thing You SHOULDN'T)

5 Things To Include in Your Podcast Intro & Outro (and 1 Thing You SHOULDN'T)

So you’re ready to start your podcast but … oh, what do you say?! Well, you know generally what you’re going to say. You have ideas for your episodes, but what do you say to get started? And how should you end the podcast?

Listen to a handful of podcasts, especially from different genres, and you’ll find a multitude of different ways to start a show. None of the suggestions below are set in stone, and people are coming in all the time to change how “things have always been done,” and that’s awesome. But for those just starting out and need just a little bit of guidance, here are what I look for in a podcast intro and outro.

Quick Tip: Share Your Podcast Episodes on Instagram Stories via Spotify

Quick Tip: Share Your Podcast Episodes on Instagram Stories via Spotify

Great news for those with podcasts in Spotify! We can finally share *clickable* links to episodes from Instagram Stories!

Before you start, be sure your show can be found in Spotify.

If you’re not in Spotify, see below for instructions on submitting your show.

5 Icky Podcast Promotion Strategies — Are You Making These Mistakes?

5 Icky Podcast Promotion Strategies — Are You Making These Mistakes?

Let's get real for a minute.

Do you like when people come to your door to try to sell you something?

Do you enjoy when you're walking along the street and someone stops you to try to get you to take their flier or get you into their store?

Do you like pop-up ads?

Then stop spamming your podcast!

Here's the deal — I know your podcast is probably great. Your audience likes it. You're probably getting feedback from your listeners. But if you're constantly (keyword here is "constantly") throwing out your latest episode link on social media, to your friends, family, in your groups and all over the place, it may get you a few more listeners, but it's also going to annoy more people.

Quick Tip: No more iTunes! (Well, sort of ...)

Check your inbox because on January 31st, podcasters who submitted their shows to iTunes received an email from none other than Apple Podcasts with a few things they want to make sure you're aware of.

The main points of the email were:

  • Podcast Analytics Beta
  • Specification Update
  • Easier Podcast Submission for Hosting Partners
  • Apple Podcasts Badges

For the most part, the first three were pretty straightforward, but the fourth point is one that will take some getting used to for seasoned podcasters and new podcasters, alike.

FREEBIE: Finding Focus with your Podcast

FREEBIE: Finding Focus with your Podcast

I have to admit, I am struggling with my show. (Isn't that an awful thing for a podcast consultant to admit? Ack!)

But it should be noted for anyone doing a show by themselves without outside help that putting all the little things into the podcast they want to do can get daunting. I'll be perfectly honest and say that I'm still trying to find my footing with starting a business and working from home. In fact, I had grand plans to work on episodes of my show today, but decided a blog post was more important.

FREEBIE: Tips for Interviewing Podcast Guests

FREEBIE: Tips for Interviewing Podcast Guests

While your comfortable (or getting comfortable) behind the microphone, your guests might not be. Although they may have amazing insights to share and your audience will love them, it's still nerve-wracking to be put on the spot.

While I can't do much to take away their nerves (aside from give you my recipe for Sangria, maybe), I can offer some tips to help them feel more at ease about sounding good.

While it might be easier to have your guest join you in your studio, it's not always possible. The tips in this post are for podcast interviews done remotely.

Start Setting Your Podcast Goals for 2018

Start Setting Your Podcast Goals for 2018

As this year winds down, you're probably thinking of ways you can either improve your podcast in the new year or even start one. And as any productivity expert will tell you, setting goals is an excellent way to make sure you stay on track and keep up the momentum. And having goals put in place for your podcast is no different. Here are some quick tips to help you plan your podcasting year in 2018 and some suggestions to help you get started.