
8 Things to Check to Spring Clean Your Podcast

Spring is in the air and it's time to celebrate new life! If you've been looking to get a bit of a refresh for your podcast or simply want to procrastinate actual dusting and cleaning by working on your podcast, enjoy some things you can do to spring clean your podcast!

Instagram Story Ideas for Podcasters

Lots of podcasters love Instagram because it adds a visual element to their podcast, plus it gives them an opportunity to connect with their listeners outside of the show. Instagram is also a great platform to get discovered organically, especially if you’re using hashtags related to your show and the topics you cover.

But many folks struggle when it comes to engaging their audience. I’ve seen numerous podcasters sign up for a social media account for their podcast, but all they do is promote new episodes. It doesn’t really give the audience much to interact with, and if you’re familiar with how algorithms work, you already know that engagement on a post can lead to Instagram pushing your post in front of more people, leading to more engagement and more views, etc.

5 Things To Include in Your Podcast Intro & Outro (and 1 Thing You SHOULDN'T)

5 Things To Include in Your Podcast Intro & Outro (and 1 Thing You SHOULDN'T)

So you’re ready to start your podcast but … oh, what do you say?! Well, you know generally what you’re going to say. You have ideas for your episodes, but what do you say to get started? And how should you end the podcast?

Listen to a handful of podcasts, especially from different genres, and you’ll find a multitude of different ways to start a show. None of the suggestions below are set in stone, and people are coming in all the time to change how “things have always been done,” and that’s awesome. But for those just starting out and need just a little bit of guidance, here are what I look for in a podcast intro and outro.

Quick Tip: Share Your Podcast Episodes on Instagram Stories via Spotify

Quick Tip: Share Your Podcast Episodes on Instagram Stories via Spotify

Great news for those with podcasts in Spotify! We can finally share *clickable* links to episodes from Instagram Stories!

Before you start, be sure your show can be found in Spotify.

If you’re not in Spotify, see below for instructions on submitting your show.

5 Icky Podcast Promotion Strategies — Are You Making These Mistakes?

5 Icky Podcast Promotion Strategies — Are You Making These Mistakes?

Let's get real for a minute.

Do you like when people come to your door to try to sell you something?

Do you enjoy when you're walking along the street and someone stops you to try to get you to take their flier or get you into their store?

Do you like pop-up ads?

Then stop spamming your podcast!

Here's the deal — I know your podcast is probably great. Your audience likes it. You're probably getting feedback from your listeners. But if you're constantly (keyword here is "constantly") throwing out your latest episode link on social media, to your friends, family, in your groups and all over the place, it may get you a few more listeners, but it's also going to annoy more people.

What the New Facebook Algorithm Means for Podcasters

What the New Facebook Algorithm Means for Podcasters

The man, the myth, the legend -- Mark Zuckerberg -- came out today to announce changes to the Facebook algorithm to help keep the spam, excessive marketing, and gross salesy-ness to a minimum.

So what does that mean for your Podcast Facebook Group or Podcast Facebook Page?

Fair warning: I'm really just speculating here, but I have a few thoughts, in terms of educational guesses.