Story Time: Your Podcast Audience Will Change (And That's OK!)

About 11 years ago, I found my first podcasts and I fell in love. I've talked about the story before so I won't go too deep into it, but the short version is when I was moving out during my divorce, and I didn't have cable set up in my new apartment, but I had internet so when it came to entertainment while I was unpacking, I didn't have much else but my phone.

So I opened the newish purple app called iTunes (now Apple Podcasts) and began exploring what was available. I had a friend who listened to podcasts and I thought it was cool that there were these great audio shows available for free, so I tried it out.

Does Podcast Listening Dwindle in the Summer? — July 2023 Newsletter

I tried keeping it light and simple in this month’s newsletter. 

That’s been my intention with every previous newsletter, but there always seems to be a lot to talk about by the time four-ish weeks go by and I can’t wait to gush to you!

But in case I actually manage to keep it short (spoiler: I didn't) and you’re looking for additional tips for creative independent podcasters, check out last month’s newsletter.

What Types of Podcast Production Help Are Available?

Looking to work with someone on your podcast but not sure where to start? Maybe you’re just starting out and looking for someone to walk you through starting a podcast from idea to full launch. Or perhaps you’re seeking out someone to help you behind the scenes on your podcast or handle the tasks you’d rather outsource.

Let’s look at some of the jobs in podcasting and some of the questions to ask when you interview someone to help you work on your podcast.

Uncertainty in the Podcasting Space + Learn How to Turn Your Podcast Into a Book! — June 2023 Newsletter

I was recently chatting with a podcasting friend last month and she asked what I thought about the podcasting space. I don’t know for sure, but I wondered if I could hear a bit of uneasiness in her voice when she asked the question.

And it’s no wonder with articles like Spotify layoffs, NPR podcast staff cuts, Luminary staff cuts, (more) Spotify layoffs and Gimlet canceled shows coming out more frequently it seems.

I can understand why those headlines can make soon-to-be podcasters a little uneasy.

Turn Your Podcast Into a Book: Guest Post from Lynn at Write For You, Part 2

Of course, I wasn’t going to leave you hanging or make you wait for the rest of Lynn’s advice 😉 If you haven’t read Part 1 yet where she gives you the first 5 steps to turn all that content from your podcast into a book, you can read that here.

Post below from Lynn "Elikqitie" Smargis from Write For You:

Turn Your Podcast Into a Book: Guest Post from Lynn at Write For You, Part 1

I’ve noticed a trend recently on the consulting calls I’ve been doing where podcasters who are past the beginning stages of starting a podcast have now hit their strides and then question, “Now what?”

The answer I generally give is in the form of another question or two, “Well, what is it you want to do with your podcast? What did you want when you started it and is that goal the same?”

Pick My Brain: Recommendations for Remote Co-Hosting a Podcast

I recently got an email from someone looking to start a podcast with their friend, but they wondered if it was possible since they live in separate states.

This is a common question in podcasting and my recommendations are usually the same when I get these questions in my inbox, so I wanted to share my response here. If you’re a new podcaster looking to get started, be sure to save this link and share it with your cohosts.

Edit Your Podcast Faster + Are You A Pro or Amateur Podcaster? — May 2023 Newsletter

Hello again!

Thanks to those who read, shared and sent feedback about the 5 Types of Challenging Podcast Guests (and How to Handle Them) blog post from last month! I’ve really enjoyed hearing from those who’ve encountered a few (or all!) of these guests.

I wanted to share some feedback — an addition to the list from a podcaster who told me a story about how when they sent their guest a list of questions, the guest scripted their answers and read them verbatim. Some people can read from scripts and it sounds natural, but it takes practice, and also many people don’t write the way they speak so reading a script can sound awkward.

The podcaster went on to say that since that interview, the hosts began sending bullet points of talking points and topics to help make their guests feel more comfortable, but they no longer provide the exact questions. 🙂

Thanks again for the feedback and be sure to let me know any questions, comments, or suggestions for upcoming newsletter topics!

Professional vs. Amateur Podcasting + Ways to Monetize Your Podcast That AREN’T Sponsorship!

Today after church a few of us from choir were hanging around and talking about performing. Our choir director was telling the younger members how the main difference between a Professional musician and an Amateur musician is the fact that a professional gets paid. That’s why it’s called Professional, as in, that’s the person’s profession — they get paid to perform.

She went on to say how just because someone is technically a professional it doesn’t necessarily mean they’re good; it just means they can command a price to perform. The opposite can also be true — an amateur can be just as talented and even more so than a so-called professional.

So Many New Things in Podcasting, How Do You Keep Up? — April 2023 Newsletter

Hello again!

Last month I wrote about some resources for podcasters and some of the updates coming to Apple Podcasts. But Apple isn't the only one shaking things up in the podcasting space.

If you're a podcaster, you'll also want to keep an eye on Spotify — especially if you host your podcast on Anchor.
Check out Ashley Carman's Twitter thread covering Spotify's Stream On from a few weeks ago. One of the major announcements was the hosting platform Anchor is being rebranded as Spotify for Podcasters.

There seems to be A LOT of restructuring, rebranding, and rebuilding in the podcasting space right now. As a creative independent podcaster, it can seem overwhelming to try to keep up.

That brings me to this month’s tip 🙂

Please enjoy the read and reply back if you have any questions, comments or suggestions for upcoming newsletter topics!