Use Twitter to Guest on Other Podcasts

Looking for ways to pitch yourself to be a guest on other podcasts on Twitter? I have TWO quick Twitter tips for you:

  1. Check out the hashtag #prrequest — this is more of a general hashtag that covers all kinds of media, BUT don't forget you don't just have to be featured on another podcast for people to hear about you and check your show out.

    Search through this hashtag (along with similar hashtags like #prrequests, #journorequest, or #journorequests) to find all kinds of creators looking to talk with people of various backgrounds and who can tell a great story. Reach out if you see someone working on something your ideal listener would be interested in. And be sure to mention your podcast and website when you’re featured!

2. Follow @PodcastGuests — run by, you can follow them on Twitter for updates or sign up for their free or paid service on their website. (Not an ad or sponsored, I just happened to find them by using the hashtag above)

I’m not on Twitter much myself, but I do go on there regularly for news about the podcasting space and to keep up with those I follow who use Twitter over other platforms. I tend to stick to Instagram for the most part, but if you’re on Twitter, you can follow me here!

I’ve been sitting on these tips for a while now and was planning on using them in my monthly newsletter, but ended up writing about Apple Podcasts’ recent webinar about their marketing toolbox instead!

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