podcast planning

Finding an Amazing Podcast Editor for Your Show

Finding an Amazing Podcast Editor for Your Show

Your show is like your baby. You wouldn't just grab anyone off the street to babysit, right? As you can imagine, one of the first things people ask when they are looking for an editor is "how much"?

While that's a valid question, there are some things to take into consideration, instead of just looking for the cheapest deals.

Do You Have Time for a Podcast?

Do You Have Time for a Podcast?

Your time is so, so precious. And I won't lie and tell you podcasting takes no time at all, because it absolutely takes time. But I will tell you podcasting doesn't have to take over your life (unless you're like me and LOVE everything-podcasting and choose to spend almost every waking hour thinking about, listening to, recording, or editing podcasts).

Here's the great thing about podcasting: If you're adding podcasting as part of your outreach, you probably already have a lot of the content you can re-purpose into a podcast. If you're podcasting for fun, the time spent can vary, but as you keep podcasting, you'll become faster and more efficient.

So, what kind of time commitment are we talking here? Let's break it down ...