Monthly Newsletter

Mistakes and How to Fix Them (plus, check out Apple's new Podcast Marketing Toolbox!) — March 2023 Newsletter

Hello again!

Last month, I sent out my first newsletter in ages with a typo RIGHT SMACK DAB in the subject line!

 I used the wrong who’s/whose.

I had read and re-read my newsletter about 5 times before sending it. I had revamped it for weeks actually. I originally wanted to start sending a newsletter back in January, but between all the sickness in our house over the holidays and then my Dad going into hospice and passing away in January, I put it on the back burner.

When I finally went back to it, I thought I had checked everything and updated it all. I even sent myself a test email to be extra, super-sure I was good with it before it went out to my list. And somehow I still missed it.

It was only as soon as I got the notification that it had been sent that I saw the glaring mistake.

I had written “Who’s Voice …” instead of “Whose Voice …” and I was mortified. How could I have missed that?

What did my newsletter readers think? How many of them unsubscribed or sent it to spam because they immediately saw my mistake?

I quickly went to Instagram and posted about my mistake in my Stories and added a poll to ask if anyone noticed. Thanks to the 75% of you who said you hadn’t noticed, and the 25% of you who said you’ve been in the same boat!

That brings me to this month’s tip …

Please enjoy the read and reply back if you have any questions, comments or suggestions for upcoming newsletter topics! 

Whose Voice Was That? — February 2023 Newsletter

Hello Again!

I’m revamping my newsletter (as in, trying to do it on a regular basis again) and I'm hoping you haven’t forgotten about me 🙂

This year my focus is on writing, educating and creating resources for the independent creative podcaster and I’ll be sharing updates with you in this monthly-ish newsletter. (Consistency is a skill I’m hoping to work on this year, which is why I say “monthly-ish.)

I’ll also be including podcasting tips, tricks and information, especially little tidbits I find amusing while editing. There are so many times I’ll be editing a client’s podcast and I’ll pause to write down a great quote I’ve heard or a great interview question I think other podcasters would want to hear about. I can't wait to finally start sharing those with you!

Please enjoy the read and reply back if you have any questions, comments or suggestions for upcoming newsletter topics!