
ADHD Podcast Editor Approved!: Honest Review about Loop Switch Earplugs

Remember when I reviewed the Engage Plus and Experience Plus earplugs from Loop earlier this year? Well, I’m excited to review the new Switch earplugs from Loop today! 

And no, I’m not just buying earplugs to test them from time to time (although is that a real job? Because I might be interested). Once I got the Engage and Experience actually got the Loop Switch earplugs after losing one of my beloved Engage earplugs after wearing them out for Halloween trick-or-treating — these are a holiday lifesaver for the sugar-induced screaming and squealing that comes from all that candy consumption!

ADHD Podcast Editor-Approved!: Honest Review about Loop Experience Plus Earplugs

I recently reviewed the Loop Engage Plus Earplugs and love them as my everyday, go-to earplugs.

I wasn’t sure if I really needed the Loop Experience Plus (Loop official website / Amazon) since the earplugs I had before trying Loop were already great for concerts. But I decided to try them anyway and I’m glad I did!

Seasonal Ailments, Back-to-School Overwhelm, and Introvert Adventures: A Quick Fall Update

Is it possible to be both incredibly overwhelmed, but also enoying the season? I think it is in the fall in the Northeast.

Originally this week, I was supposed to be at She Podcasts Live, but the conference was postponed until June of 2023. But my husband still took the week off so I have a bit more breathing room than I’ve had in a while to hopefully catch up (as I say every week).

Learning to Curl and Planning for Unpredictable Energy Levels

Last week, my husband came into our room where I was enjoying a leisurely Saturday under the heating pad and said, “I have babysitting, want to try curling?!”

He was so excited in that moment and I knew he had seen the local curling club nearby was having an open house for folks to try it out.

One-Task-A-Day Decluttering Game

This Month's focus has been decluttering and I'm so excited to see folks who follow me on Instagram getting inspired and motivated by my one-task-a-day approach!

When I decided to tackle decluttering as my February Focus, I knew my house was in need of some cleaning and I didn't want to wait until Spring. February seemed like a great month to get going — we're over the holidays and now just trudging along until Spring. We've been in our house for so long and, I'll be honest, it's been incredibly hard to motivate myself to clean during the pandemic. I'm already so exhausted from working, childcare and the regular maintenance of the house that doing anything more is like pulling teeth for me.

Yoga for Every-BODY: How I Developed A Daily Routine I Love

Sometimes I get embarrassed talking about yoga and how much I love it. A lot of people have very strong opinions of yoga I’ve found. I also get a lot of up-and-down looks when I say that I do daily yoga as if someone who does daily yoga should look a certain way, which I do not.

Sometimes people jump to the conclusion that I’m going to talk about how yoga is the be-all, end-all cure for everything. For the record, I try to stay away from that kind of talk about anything — I truly believe people need to search for what works best for them for their health.

When It Rains, It Rains: Dealing with Anxiety on Days Full of the Unexpected

Usually, my period is what throws my week for a loop. But since that was last week’s hassle, I started the week with an optimistic outlook. On Tuesday night I finished up my work, made a quick list of things I wanted to get to the next day, and went to bed with this all-too-smug feeling that I was finally on top of my game.

My smugness was short-lived when my 4-year-old woke me up early the next morning announcing every parent’s nightmare — he didn’t feel well. You’d think after three (3!!!) colds in the last six weeks, I’d be used to this, but this one felt like it was going to be the one that made me crack and completely lose it.

Life Update + October 2021 Roundup

I took this photo this morning with no makeup, no filter, and with hair that I slept on when it was wet. I’ve been trying to get morning sunlight to keep my mental health on the up-and-up as the days get shorter. I like to make some tea and open the back door to watch the sunrise. It’s actually a nicer habit I find than sitting in front of my HappyLight, which I still love, but gives me a headache some mornings and it’s been hard to remember to use it, honestly.

I’ve been in a weird rut lately.

My son has his second cold this month. Ah, the joys of finally sending him to school, only for his schedule to be even more out of whack with unexpected sick days, on top of living in a pandemic where he has to be cleared by his doctor and multiple COVID tests to be able to return to school. Luckily, his tests came back negative and that’s a relief by itself.