August and Everything Everywhere All At Once

Greetings from burnout! Well, hopefully not burnout yet, but I’m in a particularly stressful chapter and I wanted to give a quick update within this tiny pocket of time I have.

I’m knee-deep in week 3 of no camp, school, or babysitting. It’s summer with some heat waves and it’s really draining day to day right now. I put up an out-of-office post on Instagram, though I’m still doing my client work and answering emails. But that’s the bare minimum I can do.

I haven’t had extra time to write as much as I’d like — but I have a few posts and podcast episodes written and ready to be posted as soon as I have some concentrated time to sit down and edit. Once school starts, I’ll have dedicated recording time during the week as well! I won’t be staying up into the wee hours finishing up the clientwork I wasn’t able to do during the day, and I’ll have the energy and mental capacity to do all the fun creative stuff that goes along with soft-launching the Emily: Out Loud podcast.

For those who’ve given support and reached out (and sent me coffee!) THANK YOU SO MUCH! Having it started and already in a few people’s ears (first episode) (second episode) has given me a little hint of dopamine and I’m anticipating getting back to it in the next few weeks! I have the next four episodes written and ready to record and post, and a TON of ideas for future episodes. A very good sign for a podcast!

Can’t wait to share more in the coming weeks. I know folks are loving substack and newsletters right now and maybe one day I’ll check out those options for content creation. But for me now, writing for my own little space on the internet at and creating the first few episodes of the podcast for just those kind enough to check out my website is really rad. So if you’re reading this right now (yes you!), thanks for being you and graciously giving me a few moments of your time and your attention 🙂

Stay tuned! This hectic chapter can’t last forever.

Sign up for my monthly newsletter for updates and new posts, including tips for independent creative podcasters! And don’t forget to follow me on Instagram to catch up between posts!

Enjoying Emily: Out Loud and want more? You can help by buying me a cup of coffee over at 🙂