Focusing on a Lovely Day — Season 2 | Episode 12

“I think I'm going to make the list of those things that I would do every single day if I could. Those things that I wouldn't get sick of that would always bring me joy. The things that if I were told I wasn't able to do them anymore, I would be heartbroken.” — Emily, 6 Days Until Uterus Eviction Day

My T-Break Becomes a Tea Break - A Surprising Turn of Events — Season 2 | Episode 11

“As soon as you say surgery, out come the concerned faces. I don't want people to be concerned for me. I'm relatively excited about this! It's fun to give them that alleviation of, ‘No, no, no, this is a good thing!’” — Emily, 7 Days Until Uterus Eviction Day

Stoicism, Self-Care Sunday, and SOCKS! — Season 2 | Episode 9

“Oh, my gosh, these are so amazing. These make my legs and my thighs feel completely different. Wow. Is this what it's like when there's blood circulating? It was like I found another tool for adenomyosis. I even had that quick thought in my head of, did I just need compression socks this whole time?” — Emily, 8 Days Until Uterus Eviction Day

A Lovely Day with Bluey’s Big Play — Season 2 | Episode 8

“My husband and I are at this point of, Hey, we know that the next few weeks are going to be shitty. Let's have a really good ‘fuck it all’ day. In ‘Parks and Rec’-speak, it would be a ‘Treat Yo' Self’ day.” — Emily, 9 Days Until Uterus Eviction Day.” — Emily, 9 Days Until Uterus Eviction Day

Calculating the Spoons Needed for Mom Mode — Season 2 | Episode 7

“If I'm moving, I'll stay warm. But also if I'm moving, I might not notice as much pain as I'm in until I sit down and then I realize, Oh, my gosh, I can't move for the rest of the day. I've used up all my spoons.” — Emily, 11 Days Until Uterus Eviction Day

The Big Cleaning Energy That Comes After My Period — Season 2 | Episode 6

“I think I'm feeling good. I'm still a little nervous. I can't shake the nerves. And you know what? I think I need to radically accept that those nerves and that anxiety is going to be with me. It's probably not going to get easier as we get closer to surgery. I keep thinking I'll get used to the idea. Give me some time to get used to the idea. And then I'm like, Okay, I'm used to the idea. Wait, it's eleven days. Oh, I have so much more to do. And then I'm not used to the idea anymore.” — Emily, 11 Days Until Uterus Eviction Day

Procrasti-Cleaning to Delay Doing the Other Important Stuff — Season 2 | Episode 5

“Currently, the countdown is twelve days. Twelve days. So it's getting more real and time is going both very slowly and faster than I would like it to go as far as my to-do list.” — Emily, 12 Days Until Uterus Eviction Day

Cutting Back on Cannabis — It’s Not Going Well — Season 2 | Episode 4

“I keep thinking if I didn't have to deal with this stupid pain in my uterus right now, I could deal with everything else. And maybe that's not true. Maybe that's just the excuse I'm telling myself. But everything is a lot more irritating when I feel like I have a 15-pound rock in between my hips, pushing out, making me feel pregnant.” — Emily, 13 Days Until Uterus Eviction Day

I Won’t Miss the Period Day 6 Bitterness — Season 2 | Episode 3

“I will not be capable of 100% Mom Mode that I've been in. And I can't even say 100% because I'll tell you, Adenomyosis, my period, PMS, they knock me out. So there are days where I am parenting from a couch or parenting from bed, and it sucks. And I don't even feel like 100% a parent. I feel like I'm doing the 100% I can do for that day.” — Emily, 13 Days Until Uterus Eviction Day

Upcoming Surgery Means Fewer $#!+s to Give— Season 2 | Episode 2

“It's less than two weeks away. I have said to my family, I have zero shits for anything other than getting ready for this, for getting my business in order, for getting my work done, for getting the house ready for recovery. For getting me ready for recovery. I have zero shits.” — Emily, 13 Days Until Uterus Eviction Day

Ultrasound: Check! Anxiety: Check! — Season 2 | Episode 1

“I'm a curious person, and I've gotten to the point where I'm just going to ask now. I'm just going to ask about this stuff because it's my body. She was taking photos of my body. I should be able to see them, right?” — Emily, 14 Days Until Uterus Eviction Day

Fishing For the Fallen Menstrual Cup (IYKYK) — Season 1 | Episode 11

“If somebody starts talking about, “Oh, I'm thinking of going to the menstrual cup.” I'll be like, “Oh, my gosh, it's so great! I love it! I love it! It's so great … Except for when you drop it in the toilet and you have to get it.” — Emily, 15 Days Until Uterus Eviction Day

Productivity, Distractibility, and Finally Getting to that “Someday” — Season 1 | Episode 10

“This upcoming hysterectomy is giving me a real kick in the ass as far as productivity. And also it's exciting that I get to take a look at my business and I've been seeing where I've come from.”” — Emily, 15 Days Until Uterus Eviction Day

Anything to Distract from the Pain and Surgery Anxiety — Season 1 | Episode 9

“This is one of the first times in my life I'm fully disappointing people and saying, I am not available for this, or I really want to do this, but I can't. I can't physically do this. I can't mentally do this. I will be recovering from surgery, or I will be under anesthesia, and there will be no way for you to get any work out of me.” — Emily, 17 Days Until Uterus Eviction Day

Radically Accepting the Horror Stories and the Success Stories— Season 1 | Episode 8

“I am intentionally focusing on the positives to try to get me through to that day. It almost feels like going against everything. It feels like society has been learning in the past few years of “Don't stick your head in the sand. Don't go to that toxic positivity.” But I think I'm also taking it with a lot of radical acceptance. I'm trying to, at least.” — Emily, 17 Days Until Uterus Eviction Day